Summative Assessment Looms...
Having got the Exploring Futures Presentation out of the way, I've been spending the last few days putting the final touches to my journal and folder for the Summative Assessment of this huge and challenging module for presentation on Tuesday. A Written Report and Evaluation and rough (thank God it's rough…) timeline were also required, which have now been finished. A lesson learned the hard way is to set up anything on InDesign that is supposed to link on adjacent pages so you can see where they don't! I'd cleverly set it up on P1 and P2. Not a good idea…Strange to think that when I hand the work in for assessment on Tuesday, it will be the end of the module and, almost, the end of my first academic year at Hereford College of Arts. What a year it's been…Challenging, exciting and a huge learning curve all rolled into one.

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